Poetic Assembly of Words – Tagesberichte zur Antarktis Halbumrundung 2015

Von Anfang Januar bis Mitte Februar 2015 – fünf Jahre nach meiner ersten Antarktisreise mit der Plancius – durfte ich zum zweiten Mal ganz weit in den Süden reisen. Dieses Mal von Argentinien bis Neuseeland. Unter dem Stichwort „Antarctica“ möchte ich meine (eher dichterischen) Gedanken festhalten: Eindrücke – Stimmungen – Erinnerungen.

Die „Assembly of Words“ (in drei Teilen) sind zugleich mein Beitrag an das (englischsprachige) Logbuch der MV Ortelius – geschrieben von den Passagieren und Crewmitgliedern. Es fasst meine Schlüsselwörter zu drei Tagen dieser Reise zusammen.

11 January 2015:
The Convergence – A Poetic Assembly of Words I

by Sascha Demarmels

Reading in the book from Jim about Shackleton’s poetry I got inspired to write todays log in a poetic form. Do not expect rhymes though. – Here are some of today’s keywords as I have experienced it:

The Convergence (Non-)Victori(a)ous Antarctic peditions Betting on an Iceberg
plan your expeditions on the back of an envelope
pass political borders before breakfast and then eat a perfect croissant („Gip- feli“ in Swiss German)
pass the geo-biological border as well

be barefooted
wear shorts
wear high heels
wear expedition boots
wear leggings underneath your shorts
and pull over a pullover (that would be a sweater)

it gets colder, a bit
it gets colder
it gets colder, more and more

there are waves more waves
a bit more waves
it is good drake passaging today

more fog
and some more fog


be a doctor – be an antarctic explorer ( – and die poor)

divide teams in three parts and spread them over the antarctic peninsula

(never) marry a prima donna and give her a bay as a souvenir

use dogs
be aware of innovation bring up-to-date technology even if it doesn’t work

also: have coffee on the ice

when will it pass in front of our captains’ binoculars, the first iceberg?
09.32: Bettina – out
15.19: Pamela – out
16.30: Anneliese – out
16.50: Martin – out
17.35: Ken and Christian– out
18.08: Jane – out
18.13: Sascha – out (that was me, by the way)
18.30: Simon – out
19.31: finally : – )

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